148th PVI Company C |
We are a unit of reenactors dedicated to honoring the legacy of the 148th. We are from Centre County Pennsylvania, from where, historically, Co.'s A-G mustered.
In general, more than 50,000 men, women and children come from around the world to portray the life and times of people during the years of the American Civil War (1861-1865).
Civil War reenactors share common bonds that unite participants regardless of the Union or Confederate alliance of an impression while honoring the lives, sacrifices, and deaths of individuals from both sides of the struggle. The hobby offers both individuals and families a wholesome and safe atmosphere to recreate and live out a part of our nation's history.
Events range from living history demonstrations to battle re-enactments, parades to tactical weekends, and unit banquets to national conferences.
You may find soldiers, musicians, delegates, ladies and civilians or go shopping down Sutlers' Row, or take in a battle, attend a Temperance Society meeting, see a medical demonstration, or an artillery competition, go to a barn dance, or settle down for some good old fashioned camaraderie around the campfire. There is never a dull moment when you don the wool or put on a hoop skirt and come out to reenact!
Above photo taken at Cedar Creek, VA in 1998 (Edward J. Glantz)
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